
Online Reservation

Reserve for up to 8 guests quickly with OpenTable.

Reservation FAQs

How can I make a reservation?

Reservations can be made online via OpenTable up to 14 days in advance, with new slots opening daily at midnight (12:00 AM).

Our largest online reservation accommodates up to 8 guests. For parties of 9 or more, please submit an inquiry through our inquiry form.

You may also contact the location directly for availability. For same-day reservations, please call the restaurant directly.

What seating options are available?
  • Standard – Main Dining Room
  • Bar – Bar Seats
  • Counter – Kitchen Counter Seats
  • Patio – Currently closed. No reservations (first come, first served)
How can I get notified for last-minute restaurant openings?

You can use the ‘Set Alert’ feature on our OpenTable profile to receive notifications about availability.

Do I need to include children and infants in the reservation?

Yes, please include all guests, including children and infants, when booking your reservation.

Can I adjust my reservation party size?

For any changes to your party size, please call the restaurant directly.

What are the cancellation and no-show policies?

We offer a 15-minute grace period for your reservation. After this, it will be considered a no-show and cancellation charges will apply.

  • Cancellations or reductions within 24 hours of your booking:
    • $25 per guest (KINKA Original: $15 per guest)
  • No-shows:
    • $50 per guest (KINKA Original: $15 per guest)
How long is the reserved dining time?
  • Parties of 2–4 guests: 2 hours
  • Parties of 5–8 guests: 2.5 hours
Is there an automatic service charge for large groups?

Yes, an 18% service fee applies to:

  • Groups of 7+ at KINKA IZAKAYA ORIGINAL
Can I bring my own wine?

Yes! We allow guests to bring their own bottles, subject to a $50 corkage fee per bottle.

Can I bring decorations or other items?

Outside decorations and décor are not permitted unless it is a private booking and confirmed by our booking coordinator.

Still have questions?

Feel free to contact the restaurant directly for further inquiries about your booking. See locations.

Inquiry for Larger Parties

For 9+ guests, submit an inquiry. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

For same-day reservations, please call the restaurant directly.